Dear Prospective Client,
Thank you for your interest in Kissel Hill Veterinary Services. If you are still deciding if KHVS is a good fit for you, do not hesitate to call or send an e-mail with questions.
If you board your animals off-property, or you work away from home and would have a third party meeting the veterinarian, please have a third party authorization form on file with the office.
If you expect to not be present for prompt payment at your appointment please review the financial policy.
New Clients
Please fill in the following form OR download the .pdf by clicking here. Completed .pdf forms may be printed out for in-person delivery or returned via e-mail.
As you fill out the new client form, you will see references to giving permissions to any individual not listed on your account to call for medications or services for your animal. Please expand on those details (if necessary) with the third party authorization form that can be found here.
As always, please call the main phone number for urgent matters: 717-368-8216